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Our Services


Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ means to join or unite. It is the union of mind, body and soul. Ashtanga yoga is the ancient practice of yoga, meaning eight limbs or branches and is explained in Patanjali’s Yogasutras. Ashtanga yoga combines the practice of eight limbs involving postures, breathing techniques, mind exercise and lifestyle changes to suspend the fluctuation of the mind and experience inner peace and stillness. The main four pillars of yoga are Ahara, Vihara, Achara, and Vichara.

We have designed a program, which is a primary series called yoga therapy and it includes the four pillars to enlighten you. This will work to heal and align the body and detoxification. The dedicated practice of this program builds strength and flexibility and helps to live a healthy and happy life.

Diet Management

“A healthy outside starts from inside.” – (Robert Urich)

Food plays a vital role in our life to keep us healthy. Eating the right food is an important part of healthy living along with other yoga practices. Food that might be favorable for someone might be harmful to others, so it is important to know the personalized lifestyle and food habits.

We believe in taking care of your food habits. According to your lifestyle, food habits, and health issues, you will get guidance to eat the right kind of food at right time.

Diet Management

“A healthy outside starts from inside.” – (Robert Urich)

Food plays a vital role in our life to keep us healthy. Eating the right food is an important part of healthy living along with other yoga practices. Food that might be favorable for someone might be harmful to others, so it is important to know the personalized lifestyle and food habits.

We believe in taking care of your food habits. According to your lifestyle, food habits, and health issues, you will get guidance to eat the right kind of food at right time.

Stress Management

In yoga mind symbolizes a drunk monkey having a fire on tail means a restless mind. It‘s either busy with mulling on past or future or who said what and difficult to keep it in present. For instance, when you work on a computer or work on an important project your mind could be elsewhere that affects your efficiency and performance as well as our day–to- day life, making us restless and uncomfortable.

Our yoga program comprises breathing exercise and meditation that helps the mind to come back in present. Our counseling session will help you to bring clarity and alertness.

Enlighten Yourself

We have mostly learned about taking care of our physical and mental well-being. But an understanding of our deep-rooted emotions is equally crucial. In this modern age, most of us are finding it difficult to deal with emotions like anger, envy, sadness, ego etc. While facing a tough situation or interacting with people in our day-to-day lives the graph of our emotions easily moves up or down leading to more frustrated and confused life.

“Knowledge is the key to success” . To take care of our emotions we must understand, how Yoga teaches us the way of living life. In our webinar, we give you the knowledge of Ashtanga yoga’s all branches and how it will help us to work on our emotions laying a path to self- development.

Enlighten Yourself

We have mostly learned about taking care of our physical and mental well-being. But an understanding of our deep-rooted emotions is equally crucial. In this modern age, most of us are finding it difficult to deal with emotions like anger, envy, sadness, ego etc. While facing a tough situation or interacting with people in our day-to-day lives the graph of our emotions easily moves up or down leading to more frustrated and confused life.

“Knowledge is the key to success” . To take care of our emotions we must understand, how Yoga teaches us the way of living life. In our webinar, we give you the knowledge of Ashtanga yoga’s all branches and how it will help us to work on our emotions laying a path to self- development.

Course on
Stepping Stones

Learning yoga in the Institute under guru’s guidance makes an individual capable to teach and guide others. When many new yoga teachers step out to teach their clients, they find it difficult to communicate about their services clearly. They even lack confidence in their approach and also face problems in preparing an optimal program as per the client's needs.

Having ten years of experience in this field, our aim is to guide new yoga teachers about how to tackle the above mention problems and to set up their own successful yoga studio. We offer a three months intensive program ‘STEPPING STONE’ which will not only help in laying a foundation for your professional journey but will also teach you the required work ethics to be a successful yoga instructor.

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